21 Jun 2015 Handspinning Fleeces for Sale
The 2015 Nash Island handspinning fleeces are ready!
NEW this year we have six colored fleeces for sale! After several years of working to improve the breeding stock on one of the smaller islands we are thrilled to finally be able to offer beautiful dark chocolate brown and dark gray fleeces along with our traditional ‘fog-washed’ pure white handspinning fleeces.
Our Romney/Coopworth/Island Descendent fleeces average between 4 – 6 pounds each and cost $12.00 per pound.
If you are interested in purchasing a Nash Island handspinning fleece please e-mail me at jani@starcroftfiber.com or call 207-852-0295. PLEASE NOTE : If you had previously e-mailed me about purchasing a 2015 fleece, please e-mail me again! (Due to a technical problem with my e-mail all my saved e-mails were erased 🙁
Mary Lou
Posted at 15:02h, 21 JuneLovely photos! Maybe I can take up spinning in my next life.