09 Mar A Warm Day and a Little Hope
It’s been a long, cold, snowy winter. March thus far, has not offered much in the way of hope for spring. Until today. With calm seas and wind and abundant sunshine promised we headed out to the islands this morning to check on the sheep. Although sea smoke filled the harbor, guided by compass we found our way to the island, arriving just as the sea smoke lifted.
Our main goal, besides enjoying the first warm day in a long while, is to get a head count.
Not an easy task when there are over a hundred sheep who keep moving.
Despite the fact that they prefer you keep your distance,
counting sheep on the smaller islands is a little easier.
Safety in numbers seems to be one sheep strategy to deal with invaders on your island.
Not looking and hoping they will go away seems to be another.
All sheep were present and accounted for, looking healthy and fat with lamb bellies.
A warm sunny day of tromping about the islands watching sheep certainly lifts the winter weary soul and offers a little hope of spring.
Mary Lou
Posted at 17:34h, 10 MarchI will take any hope of spring I can find! Cute post, and I enjoy seeing the little producers of my Nash Island Yarn.