23 Feb Calm before the (next) storm
The weather has been a bit difficult. Storm following storm following storm. Finally a brief calm morning to run out to the islands and check on the girls. 10 am launch, snow & wind due at 2 pm.
With temps hovering at +5, it’s a bit of a wait for the motor to warm up. With the harbor frozen over, a beach launch on the lee side is necessary.
A quick sweep of the hard packed snow covered island as dark clouds begin to roll in.
Despite the white on white camouflage, all sheep are accounted for as they march to the shore for elevensies seaweed snack.
And back to hot cocoa and warm fire as the first flakes of nor’easter # I’ve lost count descends. Comforted in the knowledge that all is well on the islands and in awe of those hardy island girls.
gale (she shoots sheep shots)
Posted at 17:51h, 23 Februarywow that was a dramatic visit, I love that you're sharing the gritty details of how you do this in winter. Might need some hot cocoa just from going out on that icy water vicariously.
Ellen Mason
Posted at 22:18h, 23 FebruaryI like to think I'm up for adventure. That boat ride looks like misery and terror. You'd be hard pressed to get me out of the cabin and back to shore until ice-out.
Mary Lou
Posted at 14:50h, 24 FebruaryGreat photos. I'm shivering as I look at them. Glad all the girls are well.
Posted at 13:04h, 02 MarchWhat a brave hardy Maine woman! Been thinking this winter about all the women who tend their flocks, love the pics-Namaste'
Laurie D
Posted at 13:15h, 09 MarchSo good to know all's well out there! & that you all made it back safely 🙂 Spring is coming, soon- ish!