30 Jun Simon & Lang
I’ve been listening to the radio lately while I’m milling about (thank you MPBN & WERU). Paul Simon has a new album out. So does k.d. lang . It seems these ‘old’ artists have come out with ‘new’ music that is based on their ‘old’ work. They’ve revisited their earliest roots to re-discover that place where their artistic journey was born.
Must be something in the air. I’ve dusted off my spinning wheel and returned to handspinning, back to where my fiber journey began. As machines hum all around me I synchronize to their rhythm while I treadle and spin. (Sometimes we race. They always win.)
I have spent countless hours playing/knitting with the colors of Nash Island Yarn. I don’t know why I never thought to do the same with Nash Island Roving. Until now! Look at what I’ve been spinning!
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