06 Aug Time-out!
The other day my daughter gave me a ‘time-out’. No, not the you’ve been bad go sit in the corner kind of ‘time-out’. The other kind. The you’ve been good, working hard, and deserve a little ‘time-out’ of the hustle and bustle of your ordinary everyday life. The pause-the-game, take-a-break, recharge- the-juices-kind of ‘time-out’. The go-out-and-smell-the-roses kind of ‘time-out’.
So she whisked me off to Chihulyland. (If you’re looking, it’s just to the east of never never land.) And this is what I saw……
Oooooooo…….Ahhhhhhh……OMG……….color!, color!, color!…..Breathless. Thank you Chihuly, and LME dahling. Spirit refreshed! Imagination recharged! Juices flowing! Game on!
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